
shaffer 009Gertrude Noden is the creator of Words Into Deeds, a teaching practice that provides learning opportunities for basic communication skills, demands critical thinking skills, nurtures intellectual curiosity, insists on students’ engagement in citizenship, and offers endless opportunities for young adults to learn about, become sensitive to, and empathize with peoples of other cultures and nations.. As an undergraduate student at Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, New York, Gertrude was impacted by the college’s founders’ statement, “…the fact that we live today in an international community…an international outlook involves something more than knowledge and understanding; it requires affirmative emotional set towards the diverse members of the human race.”  Throughout the course of her career, Gertrude embodied these first impressions of the Eisenhower College objectives and developed a passion to teach and inspire those around her. As a master teacher her sphere of influence expanded beyond the classroom walls to include local and international professional development arenas.